Sunday, 15 January 2012

Wondering what the future will bring....

I have been searching  about the future and wondering what God wants me to do with my life. I have many options.  My options I'm thinking of right now is getting my MSW,  or getting an MA: sociology  & International Development.  I have also thought of going to teacher's collage,  I thought of getting my ECE but I found out if I have my BEd I can teach both at a school and a day care.  I have also been looking at  the collage program , Autism and Behavioural Science, and ECE- Resource teacher.  The positive about teaching is that I can have my summers off, so I can do stuff like go on missions trips and help people around the world.  Or maybe I could go work for Power to Change : Gain, though that would be a lot of office work and only a little bit international experience.  I could go into missions full time and go overseas, or go teach English as a second language. I love kids, I love traveling and helping people.  I want to make an impact in people's lives.  I wish I knew what God wants me to do next, I want to do his will and help people in the process.  I don't even know what I'm going to do this summer.  I have applied to  GAIN for a project to go to India and help people there and share God's love with them.  Though I have no idea if I will get accepted or not.  That's August so i need to find something to do the rest of the summer. Hopefully work and make some money.  I don't care a lot about how much money I make,  but i wanta be able to help people and one way of helping people is through giving money, I also need enough to pay for school and eventually when I move out for a place to live and food.  Unless I do the MA: Sociology & International Development, I won't be going to Guelph, so I will probably be moving out from home.  I like school a lot but I can't stay in school forever, but then again if i become a teacher I will still be in school but getting paid, though I know there are not a lot of teaching jobs, but maybe I could teach overseas and maybe helping people, but I know a lot of people like teacher's from there own country. That's why social work could be good because people need social workers around the world. If I could combine kids and overseas and helping those with special needs or who are in underprivileged situations that would be perfect but I don't know how to  pull that off.

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